Ideas to make Learning Interesting during Online Classes

One’s passion is a special part of life. Passion nurtures your dreams. It is something that energizes you and drives you to an extent of leading a successful life. It is something unique that identifies your personality. While hobbies engage your life and you like doing it often, It fills your leisure time. You don’t mind missing it sometimes. Right from childhood, you might notice your child overjoyed sometimes with music or try to dance or hum a tune. These are pretty much signs which might later take shape as hobbies.
We started with passion and hobbies because they can work as great ways for learning. Activities associated with your hobbies or passion motivate learning better and faster. It helps to bring out innate skills and develop them. They are responsible for developing a child’s confidence which later will benefit his/her career.
In the course of learning, children may be grouped to do a similar activity which is an opportunity to cultivate their interests. A group may have similar interests but each individual may come from a different cultural background which is a golden opportunity for children to learn and grow together. This was easier to practice in a traditional classroom.
The alternative to this is creating virtual groups online, constantly monitored by the respective teachers. Through the guidance of teachers, the students are encouraged to follow rules and create models of interest. This allows integrating students under one platform to achieve a learning goal assigned to them.
Let children develop good learning habits at an early age; when the age is tender and the mind can accommodate many ideal learnings. Frederick Douglass said that “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” So, learning is versatile during childhood. We can mend ways easily during childhood rather than waiting to grow up to change.
The pandemic has transformed the learning space. For kids of the digital age who are fans of digital gadgets, they get easily adjusted to online classes. But parents have to play a significant role in encouraging their kids to concentrate in class.
Listed below are 3 tips for effective children learning.
- Paying attention for longer than 10 minutes might be difficult for a preschooler. During online classes, children’s attention is attained through interesting and interactive classes. Kids are engaged in activities pertaining to subject themes. This results in the dual benefit of making classes lively and helping kids to stay focused. Parents constantly need to support kids to listen to their teachers. They must also keep away distractive things from sight. This increases their level of concentration and develops listening skills.
- Interactivity is believed to be achieved not only in classrooms but also outside classrooms. Mostly, children learn by imitation. They look up to their parents and the people around them. So, we need to be cautious of the tone and language we use in our communication. Questioning is good and has an active role in learning. Children question out of curiosity and the need to discover things. Do not stop them from asking instead take time and respond to their queries patiently. This makes them feel that they are cared for. It encourages them to be expressive.
- Innovative Learning is the type of learning we have incorporated into our curriculum. This can be further enriched at home. Apart from lessons learned in class, involving your child in various extra-curricular activities contributes to the child’s holistic development. Show them interesting videos on animals, science, moral values, etc. To develop their interests (talents) such as craft, art, dance, or other, get them enrolled in activities conducted by the school. Encourage self-learning by allowing them to explore activity books like puzzles. This way you can keep them occupied and also keep them away from excess screen time.
CGR International School continues to imbibe the true spirit of learning for children. Our goal is to promote integrated learning which is influential for future development. With a great deal of infrastructure, teaching aids, astute faculty, and adaptive digital learning platforms, the overall curriculum prepares them to be future global leaders.
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