

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education



Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education

Blogs | CGR International School - Part 3

Social Skills That Children Should Have - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Social Skills That Children Should Have

With the digital age beginning to be a constant in our daily lives, social skills have become more crucial and important than anyRead More

Tips To Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary At Home - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Tips To Improve Your Child’s Vocabulary At Home

The development of vocabulary is essential for children to comprehend the meaning of the language they learn. Furthermore, having a robust vocabulary forRead More

Importance Of Sports In Students Life - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

The Importance Of Sports In Student’s Life

We cannot deny that sports contribute to the overall development and development of a person. In reality, we know that there are manyRead More

Strategies That Will Help Your Child Socialize - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Strategies That Will Help Your Child Socialize

Children with good social skills are able to have better relationships with their peers. However, the benefits of having strong social skills extend farRead More

Why is Personality Development Important to a Students Life - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Why is Personality Development Important to a Student’s Life

Each of us is unique because of the personality qualities that make us distinctive. Each person can achieve their full potential with theRead More

Why Teaching Young Learners Creative Writing Skills is Important - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Why Teaching Young Learners Creative Writing Skills is Important

Writing is among the most effective ways of communicating and is an essential tool in education. Parents strive to provide a comprehensive andRead More

Activities To Fuel Your Kids Brain Development - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Activities To Fuel Your Kid’s Brain Development

Children’s brain develops tremendously fast as they start to explore the outside world. Toddlers spend their time decoding the world around them fromRead More

Parenting tips to getting your toddler ready for Pre-Primary School - CGR International School - Best School in Madhapur / Hyderabad

Parenting tips to getting your toddler ready for Pre-Primary School

If you’re a parent of the young children, who are overflowing with enthusiasm and are fascinated by everything ,it’s likely to be difficultRead More